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The ORIGIN and BIRTH of Jesus are not one and the same event. Jesus did not originate on His birthday. This can only be credible through the process of a virgin birth. There are two kinds of LIFE.

a)       Human Life, Creature Life or Imparted Life; which comes from vital ancestry, through the biological processes, and

b)      Creator Life or Inherent Life; which has no beginning (John 5:26).


Mendel’s Law: Every individual is the sum total of the characteristics, dominant or recessive, of his/her two immediate progenitors. Simply put, there is nothing in any individual that was not in the father and mother of that individual.


  • If Jesus’ father and mother were deity, then we would have a being divine in its essence. God would then be too inaccessible to man, for the problem of man is how to bridge the unfathomable abyss between a holy God and sinful man.


  • If Jesus’ father and mother were human, then we would have a being human in its essence, and this could do nothing for sinful man, as he would deserve the penalty of death for his sin, having been born in sin like every other human being.


  • If Jesus’ father was deity and mother was human, then we would have a being both divine and human (DUAL NATURED) in its essence. This God-man would not possess a sinful nature, like all other human beings inherited from father Adam; therefore He could shed innocent blood for the remission of our sins. (Luke 1:35, I Tim 3:16)


  • Jesus was this individual; He was fully God and fully man. Inherent life overshadowed Human life and wrapped itself in Human life and after nine months the God-man was born. Mary’s creature yet Mary’s Creator.


It is true that we cannot comprehend fully how the miraculous conception - the union of God and man - took place in the womb of Mary, but we can accept it by faith. In fact, if we do not believe that Jesus is come in the flesh we have an antichrist spirit (II John 7), but if we do accept this doctrine of Christ we will have both the Father and the Son (II John 9). Both Father and Son are revealed in Christ (John 10:30; 14:6-11).

The mystery of God in flesh was a great stumbling block to the Jews. They never could understand how Jesus, being a man, could also be God (John 10:33). Because He claimed to be God they rejected Him and sought to kill Him (John 5:18; 10:33).


Jesus: The ONLY begotten Son


  • John 1:14, 18 “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the
    • ONLY BEGOTTEN of the Father,) full of grace and truth. No man hath seen God at any time; the
    • ONLY BEGOTTEN of the Father, he hath declared him.”
  • Only Begotten—(Greek MONOGENES) Monos—alone, Genos—race, stock or family. This Greek word has three primary meanings:  (a) The only one born  (b) The only one of a kind; unique (c) Of the same nature or stock.
  • John is pointing out to us that Jesus is of the same nature, same family and the same stock of God.
  • Jesus is Monogenes Theos—the only one born of God, Truly God.


Jesus was in the FORM of God


  • Phil 2:6 “Who, being in the FORM of God, thought it not ROBBERY to be equal with God:”
  • The word FORM cannot be understood to be referring to a physical shape, because God is an Omnipresent Spirit who fills the universe and if His Spirit is everywhere, what is His shape? He has no shape that we discern.
  • FORM is a philosophical term which describes the expression of a being which carries within itself the distinctive nature and character of the being it pertains to, and therefore is permanently identified with that nature and character.
  • God is Spirit and His Spirit has a nature and character. So, if we are to identify this nature and character it has to have an expression. There has to be an outward expression that is the form of that inward nature.
  • The FORM is not the essence of and is not identical to the being; it is just the expression of what that being is.
  • The FORM must, however, be the perfect expression of the being for it must truly express what the being really is.
  • Jesus was in the FORM of God; He truly expressed what God really is (Col 1:15; Heb 1:3).
  • ROBBERY has two distinct meanings:
    • A thing unlawfully seized or to steal. But Jesus was in the FORM of God, which is God; it was rightfully His, therefore, He had no need to steal if from Himself.
  • A treasure to be clutched and retained at all hazards; holding on to what one has and not releasing it, no matter how catastrophic the consequences are of holding on to it.
  • Jesus thought it not ROBBERY; He did not consider the fact that He was God and the expression of His divine nature such a treasure that He would sit in heaven and watch mankind die in their sins.


JESUS is the Almighty God


  • John 1:1, 14 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father) full of grace and truth. ” Why was Jesus called “the Word”?
  • Logos (Greek)—thought, word, idea, concept or plan.
  • One’s words are the expression of the hidden thought. If you should stand before an audience without a word, hoping that the audience would get your thoughts, intuitively and immediately, it would end in futility. Only as the hidden thought is put into a word is the thought communicated.
  • Here the hidden (invisible) God, like the hidden thought, cannot be known unless he communicates Himself through a word. God must reveal Himself.
  • The words are the hidden thought mediated to us. The words are not a THIRD something standing between you and the thought—they are the thought become available.
  • He who takes hold of the words takes hold of the thought itself. THE WORD AND THE THOUGHT ARE ONE.
  • The hidden God (thinker) expresses Himself through the Word. When you take hold of that Word, you do not take hold of something standing between you and God—that Word, JESUS, is God made available.
  • JESUS is not a THIRD person standing between you and God. When you take hold of Him, you take hold of God Himself. He is a mediator only in the sense that He mediates God to us. When you know Him you know God. Just as the thinker and the Word are one, so, Jesus could say, “I and the Father are one.”  
  • God had to limit Himself in coming to us in human form. So Jesus could say, “The Father is greater than I.”
  • Jesus is the offspring, or Son of the Father. And just as the thinker of the thought is greater than the word or thought, for all expression means limitation—you have to look around to get the right word to express the thought—so the unexpressed God is greater than the expressed God.
  • There seems to be a contradiction: “I and the Father are one,” and “The Father is greater than I.”
  • Just as the thought and the word are one, so God, the Thought, and Jesus, the Word, are one. But just as the unexpressed thought is greater than the expressed thought, the word, so God the Father, the unexpressed, is greater than the Son of God, the expressed. 
  • They are one, yet the Father is greater than the Son. God was self-limited when He became human.


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